Before we round up our investigation into the numerous
effects of climate change on flora and fauna and begin to look at the big
picture of what the future holds for ecosystems and biodiversity across the
planet, there is one more thing I would like to discuss with you.
Extreme events.
While I’m not here to talk to you about the X Games or
something organised by Red Bull wherein someone jumps off a very tall mountain
on a very small BMX, what I do have to say is nonetheless of the utmost importance.
As all third-year geographers worth their salt know, climate change brings with
it an increased frequency of extreme events. These range from drought, storms,
flooding, wildfires and freezing all the way up to hurricanes, and can have
devastating impacts for local ecosystems. As Shen and Ma (2014) point out,
these extreme events affect the biodiversity of ecosystems directly through
environmental changes to habitats, which can upset the balance within and
between trophic levels and can cause dramatic shifts and changes to occur
within food webs.
The ways in which the many varieties of extreme events
affect ecosystems are too numerous to discuss at length here. Instead, I would
like to leave you with an example, that, whilst not giving you a breadth of
knowledge of the ways in which extreme events can manipulate ecosystems, will
hopefully give you an understanding into how these changes may occur and the
significance of the threat to biodiversity that extreme events create. I would
like, then, to discuss Beaver et al.(2013)’s paper into the effects of hurricanes on a subtropical lake (Lake
Okeechobee), specifically those upon its phytoplankton inhabitants.
Now, I know that yet again I am giving an example that lies
outside Europe, however this time I can explain myself. There are only a small
amount of studies that investigate the effects of increasing frequency of
extreme events on biodiversity, and of the few I could find, Beaver et al. (2013) painted the best
picture of the severe nature of these effects. As I learnt from Beaugrand et al. (2003) when constructing my
previous blog, “A Codding Mess” (well worth a read), plankton and phytoplankton
are hugely sensitive to climatic triggers, and hence offer one of the best
examples when explaining impacts of changing climates.
Between 2004 and 2005, Lake Okeechobee, a large freshwater
lake in Florida, experienced three hurricanes which had dramatic effects on
the biological communities that make the lake their home. Prior to the
hurricanes, the phytoplankton communities in the lake were dominated by
cyanobacteria (an algae of sorts that produces energy by way of photosynthesis).
These organisms flourish under conditions of adequate access to light and a
high nutrient content, which Beaver et al. (2013) consider the two fundamental determinants of the composition of
phytoplankton communities.
The team of academics found however, that after the
hurricanes had hit the lake, these cyanobacteria were replaced as the dominant biota
(in terms of abundance) by meroplankton diatoms. They observed that post-hurricane,
cyanobacteria of genera such as Anabaena and
Planktolyngbya decreased in abundance
by around an order of magnitude (tenfold), whilst meroplankton diatoms such as Aulacoseira spp. declined significantly
less, by around 20%.
Beaver et al.(2013) theorise that the variation in response to the hurricanes stems largely
from a change in the environmental suitability of the lake for cyanobacteria in
lieu of several habitat changes caused by the hurricane winds. They point out that for lakes, hurricanes can
often lead to mass incidents of sediment resuspension, alongside almost total
destruction of aquatic vegetation, both of which contribute to the floating
matter and causes a significant reduction in transparency. Increases in the
availability of nutrients are also commonplace. In fact, for Lake Okeechobee,
Beaver et al. (2013) observed that
concentrations of NO2 and NO3 nearly doubled in the
post-hurricane period, and Secchi disk transparency fell from 0.43m to just
0.21m (meaning a fall in water transparency). As cyanobacteria require high
light attenuation to generate food, they find themselves somewhat at a loss in
darker waters, hence why they suffered such significant reductions post
hurricane. Conversely meroplankton diatoms, and diatoms in general, are more
successful under conditions of low light and considerable turbidity, and so suffered considerably less decline.
Another effect of this increased turbidity and lower light
penetration is that of increased predation. Beaver et al. (2013) argue that cloudier conditions supposedly offer more
cover for crustacean zooplankton grazers, who otherwise would be more
vulnerable to predation from fish and other biota gained a relative degree of
concealment, benefiting population size and hence creating greater predation
pressures for phytoplankton communities.
The impacts on biodiversity of these changes are quite
severe. Beaver et al. (2013)
calculate several indices of biodiversity for both pre- and post-hurricane Lake
Okeechobee. The Shannon-Beaver biodiversity index (also known as Shannon’s H,
which represents species richness) fell from 7.91 to 5.56 and the Simpson
biodiversity index (which portrays the relative abundance of species) fell from
5.32 to 3.95.
It is clear then that extreme events can be devastating for
ecological communities. As we have seen, extreme events can have massive
effects on the environmental regime in an ecosystem, and can have significant
effects on the fitness of species within the food web. This can damage
biodiversity, as we have seen in Lake Okeechebee, reducing species richness and
relative abundance. As we learn from Jones (2014) (and will discuss further
next week), diverse and rich ecosystems are essential for promoting ecological
resilience, so any reduction in either richness or abundance can put ecosystems
at greater risk.
Further study into the effects of extreme events therefore
is necessary. This information could help us to understand how ecosystem
dynamics will change in an anthropocene world where extreme events have greater
frequency. It is clear these events will become significant structuring factors
for many ecosystems, which will become more prone to food web disturbances and
trophic reorganisations such as the ones we have discussed today. Comprehension
is key for any form of management or restoration.
Next week, as we begin to round off our discussion, I would
like to begin discussing the big picture for biodiversity and ecosystems in a
climate change age. It is time to bring all we have discussed together, and
look at what may be a potentially grim outlook for the future of our planet’s