Today I will be presenting to you the long-awaited next part of the “Home on the Range… Shifts” blog mini-series. First however, I
think it’s important we briefly recap last week’s blog, and remind ourselves
what a range shift is.
To define a range shift, it is a change in the distribution
of a species, wherein the area inhabited by the metapopulation grows, shrinks
or migrates. Last week, Parmesan et al.(1999) kindly informed us that a range shift occurs on a population, not an
individual level. In essence then, it is not individual migrations, but
rather net colonisations or extinctions of communities at distribution
boundaries that result in what we call “range shifts”.
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This Panda, for instance, is doing range shifts wrong. |
wading through a veritable swamp of evidence last week, this week we will be
turning our attention to the sad truth behind what initially appears like a
strong adaptational response to climate change, and look at those that are
getting left behind.
We will start with what has become essentially a “cult
classic” of range shift research papers. Cited 891 times according
to Nature, Warren et al.’s (2001) study
into the changes in distribution of 46 butterfly species paints a bad picture
for the future of some unfortunate butterflies. The paper examines a range of
generalist and specialist species, all of whom find the northern boundaries to
their distribution in the UK.
Warren et al.
begin by informing us of what we would expect to see from British butterflies;
that they should be taking full advantage of losing the shackles of climate and
readily colonising newly available habitats. This assumption is also supported
by their relatively short generational turnover and high general mobility. Whilst this
is true for some, Warren et al. note
that between 1970 and 1999, 3/4s of the species analysed actually declined in
distributional area.
This decline in range has affected species in a
disproportionate manner. Out of 18 generalists (those suited to a wide range of
environments), only 9 declined in area compared to 26 of 28 specialist species
(that is, species that occupy a habitat niche, or are considered “fit” only in
a small area). Mobile species also fared better, with only 11 of 20 declining
compared to 24 of 26 sedentary. As 26/28 specialist species are also sedentary,
whereas 18/18 generalists are mobile, this means that stark differences exist
between the successful expansion of generalists, and, as Warren et al. warn, we may soon see biological
communities become dominated by these mobile
“jack of all trades”.
Here is a graph taken from the Warren et al. (2001) study, that shows the changing distribution of habitat specialist Argynnis adippe, which has shown the most dramatic decline in range. Black circles show records where distribution has stayed the same between 1970-1999, green shows apparent extinctions (where the animal was recorded between 1970-1982, but not for 1995-1999), pink shows new records (not recorded between 1970-1982, recorded between 1995-1999) and white shows pre-1970 extinctions. As yoi can see, although there are expansions in the range, the vast majority of circles show evidence of extinction. |
mass decline in butterfly range however is surprising. Although it is logical
that in times of transition such as these mobile generalists take the lead, the extent of decline in sedentary
specialists here is of a far greater magnitude than expected, seeing as many
specialist and sedentary species had relatively little trouble negotiating the rapid
climate change (such as the Dansgaard-Oeschger events) seen in the Quaternary.
Something, then, has changed. There is a new factor at play, and it goes by the
name of habitat fragmentation (or the breaking up of natural habitats through
human land-use change).
Habitat fragmentation, according to Warren et al., has prevented the spread of
sedentary specialists as habitat patches have become simply too isolated to
colonise, and on the rare occasion that a specialist does reach a newly
available suitable habitat, it is unlikely that sufficient others will also
arrive for the population to begin to grow. They go on to note that, due to
this fragmentation, it is unlikely that we will see patterns of expansion that
match those of similar species in the quaternary. Since 1940, the UK has seen
losses of up to 70% of semi-natural habitats; this perhaps explains why we see
sedentary specialists such as Plebejus
argus (with low mobility and a liking for lowland heathland) declining by
28% whilst mobile generalists such as Polygomia
c-album expand their ranges uninhibited by around 30%.
This endangering of specialists by climate change and habitat fragmentation is not unique to butterflies, or even to fauna. Honnay et al.’s (2002) study on the effects of
climate change on the ranges of 112 forest plant species in Belgium also finds
that habitat fragmentation is hampering the spread of species that really need
to get up and go. According to Honnay et
al. (2002), most forest plant species are indeed specialists themselves,
who are adapted to what are considered to be environmentally stable forests.
Alongside being specialists, the very nature of most forest
plant species puts them at a significant disadvantage in times of rapid
warming. Long generational times, for instance, prevent in situ adaptation to new conditions, as
genes that may provide advantages in warmer conditions cannot be passed through
generations quickly enough to match warming. The way such species cope then, is
through the tracking of changing environs and the colonisation of newly
available/suitable forested environments.
This, however, seems to be becoming impossible. Honnay etal. (2002) study change in two landscapes, one fragmented and one of
high-connectivity, using (due to long generation times making a direct study
impossible) snapshots of forests of different ages and using them as a
make-shift time-series. They found that in the fragmented landscape, 30% of
species had a colonisation success of 0%, showing no colonisation over a period
of 42 years, and 77% of species in this habitat had a colonisation success rate
of less than 20%. Only 15% of species were able to colonise suitable habitats
within the study area. The species within the high-connectivity landscape fared a little better, with only 17% of species having a colonisation success
rate of more than 81%, and 66% with a success rate lower than 20%.
This graph, taken from Honnay et al. shows the colonisation success of species in both the fragmented landscape (left) and high-connectivity landsacpe (right). Dark grey represents colonisation success of >5%, light grey those that have a negative occupancy vs. distance-to-source population relation (essentially meaning that the further away the less change of colonisation), and white the occurence of colonisation independent of distance. It is clear from this graph the effect that habitat fragmentation has on the ability of species to expand their distributions, however both landscapes still seem to be heavily disadvantaged |
Again we see fragmented landscapes having a dramatic effect
on the ability to colonise. However, and this is important, even in a
high-connectivity landscape, colonisation rates and speeds are not faring much
better. Honnay et al. theorise that to
migrate sufficiently to match projected warming (of between 2.1 and 4.6oC
by 2080 in the region), the plants need to expand their ranges by between 3000 –
5000 metres per year; at present they are achieving rates of an average of just
a few metres.
So what else is
holding back these plants? On top of fragmented landscapes making colonisation
a far harder task, there is also a recent marked absence of large migrating
herbivores that might carry seeds in their fur or dung. These factors
dramatically limit the ability of plants to disperse and colonise, and
combined, make it seemingly impossible to match Holocene migration rates of
1000 – 2000km.
This figure, also taken from Honnay et al. shows the probabity of occurance of a plant species in a selected new suitable habitat for both fragmented (triangles) and high-connectivity (circle) landscapes. It is done for four speces, Anum maculatum (a), Geum urbanum (b), Adoxa moschatellina (c) and Primula elatior (d). You can see that for all four species, occurences of colonisation are far greater in high-connectivity landscapes, however both have great difficultly colonising distances greater than ~600m; a factor that may be due to the absence of large migratory herbivores. |
The only way forward for these plants, as seen by Honnay et al., is now through human
intervention. Supposedly, plant seed transplantation or artificial seed
transport are the only ways in which these specialist species will be able to
migrate. Not only have humans forced them into a corner with global warming,
but, through habitat fragmentation and the removal of large herbivores, have
rid them of the tools to deal with it.
Here then, I have presented two very shocking examples of
the dangers of range shifts. In a pure world, untouched by humans, it is all
but possible that many of the species described here would have little trouble
keeping pace with climate. But we don’t live in that world. Our world has
become a jigsaw of human biomes, or “anthromes”, where we have not only
transformed the landscape but removed some of its vital inhabitants. Species
now aren’t merely facing the challenge of climate change, one that they have
shown that they are able to conquer numerous times in the past, but are also
facing the challenge of finding their way through a world that is, essentially,
We have seen that species cannot match previous rates of
migration. Now, with human induced climate change being arguably the most rapid
and intense climate event we have seen for millennia, it does make you question
whether Thomas et al.’s (2004)
prediction of 52% of species committed to extinction seems so far-fetched after
Until next time.
Just in case you are feeling a bit macabre after that rather depressing post, here is an article from The Economist that shows how wolves, when faced with a hard time in North America, have adapted by forming what some are calling a new species, dubbed as the "coywolf" - see here - this animal is actually faring better than both its wolf and coyote bretheren, hence "greater than the sum of its parts"
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